As part of the Rowan family, in the Rowan Discord server, there are exclusive areas reserved for official Rowan Cloud customers. These exclusive areas include:

  • A chat channel
  • Live status information about our network

To gain access to these, you'll need to link your Discord account to your client area account, one Discord account can be linked per client area account. You must have an active hosting service or domain name to access these exclusive channels.

How do I know if I am eligible?

To be eligible you will need an active hosting product or domain name. After linking your Discord account to your Rowan Cloud account, you will automatically receive access if you are eligible. If you are not eligible you won't receive the role until you are, and if at any point in time, your hosting products or domain names are no longer active, your access will be revoked.

Linking your client area account is simple, just follow these 5 steps:

  1. Get your Discord User ID, for more information on how to get this, check out Discords guide on Where can I find my User/Server/Message ID?.
  2. Now login to your Rowan Cloud client area.
  3. Select "Hello, Name!" from the client area menu navigation, and select "Account Details" from the presented menu dropdown, like below:
Account options dropdown, showing Account Details highlighted
  1. On the account details page, scroll down until you reach the "Discord User ID" field, here fill in your Discord User ID, like below:
Remember, your Discord User ID should consist of 18 digits, it should not contain any letters or special characters.

If you don't have your Discord User ID, please follow this Discord guide, Where can I find my User/Server/Message ID?.
Showing Discord User ID field option on WHMCS acount management page
  1. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select "Save Changes".

Your Discord account is now linked to your Rowan Cloud account through the client area.

How long does it take to receive access?

It can take up to 2 minutes for your access to be assigned. We will only reach out to you when assigning or retracting access (you will need Discord DMs enabled to receive these notifications, we won't reach out if you're not eligible.

If you are expecting access, but don't receive access within 2 minutes, please open a ticket with our awesome support team who would be more than happy to help!

We'd love to hear your feedback on what you think about this article we have written for you. Feedback is essential to us improving and keep on at what you love, open a ticket with us to share any feedback you might have.

We hope this tutorial has helped you in your quest for an answer! If not, or you're still uncertain about something, please reach out to our support team who are waiting to help you.