In this tutorial, we shall walk you through all the necessary steps for allowing remote connections for a specific or all IP address to a MySQL database/database user in the DirectAdmin control panel. Specifically tailored for a RowanCloud hosting account.

Why must I do this?

For security, only local connections are allowed to databases by default, this prevents unauthorized users from guessing the password of your MySQL user. This keeps your account, and our servers, as safe as possible.

What if I am not on RowanCloud?

This tutorial should be transferable to other hosting providers that use DirectAdmin, however, some hosting providers block remote MySQL connections on a firewall level, not a MySQL level, therefore, it is important to check with any other hosting provider before proceeding.


- RowanCloud web hosting service
- An already created MySQL database in DirectAdmin Access to your DirectAdmin account

Step 1 - Login to DirectAdmin

Using your preferred web browser (we recommend Chrome or Safari), navigate to your DirectAdmin control panel, here at RowanCloud, ours can be found at Your login credentials are separate from your billing account login, they are available in the billing area when you select the service.

If you have issues accessing your account, please contact us.

Step 2 - Access MySQL management

Once you have access to DirectAdmin, you will need to access the MySQL Management section of the DirectAdmin control panel. On the default theme at RowanCloud, it can be found here: Account Manager >> MySQL Management.

Step 3 - Select the database

On the list of MySQL databases, select the MySQL database that you wish to allow remote connections to.

Step 4 - Configure the remote access

On this page, towards the bottom, there is a section called “Access Hosts”, under this section is where you can add new authorized connection addresses’ and delete existing authorized connection addresses’.

You can either enter the IP address of the connecting client, or if you don’t wish to restrict access to a specific IP address you may use “%”, however, only do this if you absolutely must, as it could have security implications on your account.

Note: If you are no longer using an old connection address, please delete it to ensure your account maintains as high a security profile as possible.

Step 5 - Save changes

To save your entered record, select “Add New”.
This will immediately authorize your specified entry to access the database.

Thank you

We hope that this tutorial has been of use to you and allowed your remote client to access your DirectAdmin hosting account's MySQL database.

If this tutorial hasn’t had the desired result, and you are a RowanCloud customer, please contact us.